
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund Application Form

Before starting this application please ensure that you have read the Fund's application Criteria and Frequently Asked Questions webpages. Throughout this application we ask that you limit most text fields to a specific number of words. This is to aid our team reviewing applications. If you strongly feel that further explanation is required for some questions, you are welcome to enter the URL of any relevant document (e.g. a PDF file) that you have uploaded to a web site.

To help our administrators process your application, please provide in the box below any information relating to a previous relationship or contact you may have had with the Fund. You may already have an active grant with us and are seeking continuation funding, or you previously had a grant which is now completed, or you may have previously been rejected for a grant. If this is the case then please state ANY previous grant numbers. If this is your first contact with the Fund, we would also be very interested to know how you heard of us.

The MBZ Fund would like to encourage applicants to consult the Conservation Evidence Project as they develop their applications as this initiative provides information about different conservation interventions that have been carried out across the globe. This could help applicants develop their own conservation interventions, although the information is more comprehensive for some taxa than others. The initiative is expanding its scope, and so the MBZ Fund would also like to encourage successful grant recipients to submit the results of the conservation interventions to Conservation Evidence. Further information is available through Parks et al. (2022) Funding Evidence-Based Conservation and supporting materials.

1. What grant are you applying for?

Please note that applicants for a Fonseca Leadership Programme (FLP) grant must comply with the following criteria:

  • Exclusively come from one of the countries eligible to receive GEF support, as shown here.
  • Be a young conservationist, holding at least a bachelor's degree, and should not be older than 35 years at the time of application.

Prior to an FLP grant award, we will request evidence for compliance of the above criteria.

We also require that you acknowledge the following terms if successful:

  • I accept to provide additional reporting materials as required by the Fonseca Leadership Program. It should be noted that the additional reporting required will still be within the overall spirit of the MBZF and not be too prescriptive.
  • I acknowledge I will properly reference the support received from the Fonseca Leadership Program Global Field Grants, as well as the GEF-MBZF partnership.

2. Your Details


3. Agreement

The MBZ Fund is partnering with the Prince Bernhard Nature Fund (PBNF) and other species conservation donor organisations to develop a database of successful conservation projects and conservationists which is called Conservation Connect. This is in order to help highlight the work and raise the profile of grant recipients amongst participating donor organisations and eventually amongst the broader donor community. Successful applicants to the MBZ Fund will be included in this database, which will necessitate making information and data relating to the general project and grant recipient contact information publicly visible. By ticking this box you consent to the above.

Fields marked with an asterisk denote mandatory fields *